DCC Community Housing
This community housing scheme, commissioned by the Dunedin City Council, is the first passive house certified social housing project in Aotearoa. The project is comprised of 2 single storey residential buildings organized around a central green space. Each of the buildings contains five fully accessible one bedroom pensioner units. The units share a common ‘wash house’ building containing washing machines which was retained from the previous housing scheme which occupied the site.
The buildings feature fully insulated floor slabs, structural insulated panel external walls, super insulated roof structure, airtight construction, triple glazed timber windows and dedicated mechanical ventilation unit with heat recovery.
Completion: 2022
Builder: Stevenson & Williams
Engineer: Structural Engineering Design Solutions
Energy Modelling: Architype
Photographer: Andy Spain
Certified Passive House
Centralised Hot Water Heat Pump System
9 Homestar Rating